Does Wet Cat Food Need To Be Refrigerated? Explore the Reasons

By amelia 8 Min Read

Does Wet Cat Food Need To Be Refrigerated? Bacteria are our enemy, and it is everywhere. Whether it is human food or cat food, you have to refrigerate it due to the bacterial growth it can have at room temperature. Also, all kinds of food, open or unopened, have to be cooled to keep the freshness of the food intact in the cold temperature. Leaving it out will cause its spoilage and kill all its nutrients. Let’s explore the reason why this cat food has to be refrigerated.

Wet cat food needs to be refrigerated to maintain food quality:

Moist cat food is available in the market in a pouch or can, with the meat of fish, chicken, beef, vegetables, etc., in gravy. It is prepared commercially and served to the cats for its texture and flavor. It provides taste as well as nutrition. To maintain its nutritional value, the cat food in the wet form has to be refrigerated; otherwise, you will only cause spoilage by stalling, and you don’t want your pet cat to be sick feeding on it.

You need to refrigerate Wet cat food to keep it fresh:

Wet cat food has meat, which is more prone to grow bacteria if not put in a cold temperature. If you leave the moist cat food, whether leftover or canned, outside the fridge at room temperature or warm place, there are more chances that it will start spoiling within a few hours. It will not stay fresh for your cat to enjoy eating it. It would help if you kept in mind that cats don’t like food that is not fresh, so you have to be very careful with your pet cat food.

Wet cat food has meat, which is more prone to grow bacteria if not put in a cold temperature. If you leave the moist cat food, whether leftover or canned, outside the fridge at room temperature or warm place, there are more chances that it will start spoiling within a few hours. It will not stay fresh for your cat to enjoy eating it. It would help if you kept in mind that cats don’t like food that is not fresh, so you have to be very careful with your pet cat food.

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Wet cat food needs to be refrigerated not to make the cat ill:

Does Wet Cat Food Need To Be Refrigerated? The observations tell us that cat food that if you do not serve the cat its food on time, fresh or leftover, starts stalling in a few hours when not put in the fridge. The room temperature causes its fast bacterial growth and its spoilage. If you serve this food to the pet cat, it will fall sick with an upset digestive system and poisoning. As the pet cat food contains meat and gravy, it needs immediate attention to keep it safe for the sound health of the pet cat.

How to preserve wet cat food in the fridge:

As your cat’s health matters a lot, you must follow some steps to keep your cat’s food fresh and nutritious.

  • You have to place the cat food in airtight containers, plastic bags, or jars so that no air enters them and there are fewer chances for bacteria to spoil it.
  • Label the food-containing jars with the date when you keep them in the fridge, so you would know for how long it has been there.
  • It would be best to keep the cat food containers in the fridge at a cold temperature suitable for the food.
  • You need to consistently keep the cat food in the fridge for about five days without losing the cold temperature; after that, it will also start spoiling there
  •  Take out only a small amount of food to serve to the cat.

    How long can wet cat food stay outside?

    As cat food contains a nutritional value that is very important for the cat’s health and serves the cats with the texture and flavor they like, it needs precautions taken to keep it healthy and tasty for them. You must refrigerate the cat food immediately to save it from bacteria. If you open the fresh cat food, it can only stay fresh for 30 minutes, which you have to be mindful about. If you feed it to the cat after 30 minutes, it will cause health damage. You need to open the cat food to expect it to be fresh after 30 minutes. So, you better take care of it before that.


Here are a few FAQs that you must be aware of to maintain the health of your dear pet cat.

Why should you refrigerate wet cat food?

You should refrigerate wet canned food as it contains 75% water and is more prone to catching bacteria. If you do not place it in the fridge it will stale.

What are the reasons for refrigerating wet cat food?

The reasons for refrigerating this form of cat food are bacterial growth, food spoilage losing its nutritional value, and waste of money.

In what way can you refrigerate the wet cat food?

You can refrigerate it in plastic bags with zips, airtight containers, or jars to prevent the air entering it and bacteria.

Can you refrigerate unopened wet cat food?

You must refrigerate unopened moist cat food to keep it fresh; otherwise, it will start spoiling due to bacterial growth in warm temperatures.

Can you leave the wet cat food outside?

No, it is highly recommended not to leave it outside in the hot temperature to save it from spoilage.


Does Wet Cat Food Need To Be Refrigerated? The moist cat food contains 75% of water, meat and vegetables. So there are chances that you will spoil it if you do not put it in the fridge. Leaving the fresh food for cats in a warm place or even at room temperature for more than 30 minutes causes it to lose freshness.

The food can smell, change its color and taste too. the development of bacteria will make the food harmful for your pet to consume. You have to refrigerate it to save it from spoilage. Doing so will help you to feed the leftovers to your cat after some time. know the trick of saving food and help your cat to enjoy the best meals every time.

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